1. Are you a roleplayer, if so, tell your roleplaying background and In Character story, ie Who are you In Character?
I do RP now and then, but my character doesn't have any story.
2. What Class, Spec and Level
Warrior, Arms, 70
is your character - why do you enjoy this spec?(if you have profile on ct, allakhazam or any other, please link it)
Because critting mortal strikes on clothies is fun.
3. What is your previous experience with end-game raiding 20 or 40 men raids, list your attunes (not required but most welcome).
Experience in: Ony, AQ20- 40, MC, Naxx, BWL, ZG
Attunements: All pre-TBC raids. Working on Karazhan
4. What is it you enjoy about
playing WoW? Please indicate whether you are an active PvPer, Raider or
RPer, or a mix of two or all three, and what you would expect from Outcast?
I'm an active PvPer, I was an active raider but not anymore. But mostly, I do like helping players out in lower level instances, quests and whatnot - I barely have time for myself. But that will change...>_<
What I expect from Outcast:
To be a friendly and helpful raiding guild - I don't expect to get phat loot nor to get helped 24/7 - But I would surely like to become an experienced player in TBC End-game raiding - That can only be done with your help.
5. Have you read our rules and do you accept?
I've read them, and accept them.
6. Have you ever been in another guild in WoW? Why did you leave?
I've only been in some non-raiding, lower level guilds on Steamwheedle Cartel. My character Evalan was transferred from Neptulon PvP to Steamwheedle Cartel. On Neptulon, I've been in a raiding guild called CTSamurai.
7. What is your favourite ice-cream?
Purple Manbabies.