1. I roleplay sometimes and enjoy it, but I never made me a background story.
2. Jotard, my Rogue have been 70 for 1-2 months now. My specc is combat/sublety which is one of the best raiding speccs of rogues. I enjoy this specc, because I can use it for everything. anyway this is my talent specc you can look my gear there aswell.
3. well, I have seen Zul'Gurub, Molten Core and Karazhan when Pjotr (my brother) has raided.
I don't have attunements, because I was 60 for 3weeks before The Burning Crusade released, so I had to buy Riding skill 150 with the moneys I was saving for flying mount from 60 to 70.
4. well I'm mix of all three, because I do PvE or sometimes Roleplay from tuesday to thursday and from friday to monday I PvP the most time.
5. Yes I have read the rules and I accept them.
6. From level 1 to 60 I was in other realm called Eonar. I remember only that I was from 30 to 60 in guild called Outcast. I left it, because I wanted to play with my brother, so I changed my realm to Steamwheedle Cartel. from 60 to 70 I was in a guild called The Sisterhood. Unfortunately it got disbanded and I went to the same guild as my brother, The Hawks, which changed their name to The Eagles. It got disbanded yesterday and now I'm guildless.
7. Well... maybe it's Banana-chocolate.